Wednesday, May 29, 2013

In which we suck at blogging, kill at bucket listing

Hello faithful readers (are there any of you left? Do you feel abused by our broken promises, or do you kind of “get us” and expect it at this point?)! Things have been busy in everything-moves-so-quickly Chelsea and Bonnie world. Like, life changes people!

Because, basically, although we’re terrible at blogging, we’re actually pretty excellent at crossing items (intentionally and otherwise) off our bucket list! Some highlights:

  • We finished the A Train, NYC’s longest subway line; on one end, walking the beaches of Far Rockaway and on the other, hiking the cliffs of Inwood, Harlem. We <3 NY.
  • We were both published (separately!), writing about personal experiences in our lives. Bonnie shared a reflection on her Peace Corps service and volunteerism in general. Chelsea wrote a passionate survivor essay in response to the Steubenville rape case verdict.  
  • Not only are we growing a garden (together!), but we are working with fifteen other Harlem neighborhood residents to turn an empty lot into a thriving community garden. I mean, it’s kind of legit; we have a website:
  • And finally... Ready for some big news? We’re both MOVING SOMEWHERE ELSE! For a little while. But... like, SOON! Chelsea is acquiring a part-time residence at the Jersey Shore (yes, you read that correctly). And Bonnie is spending the summer in Boston with Jeff (oh, did we not mention that Bonnie quit her job? Told you, life changes).

So as you can see, there is absolutely no time to blog, even when we’re hanging out five nights a week dilly dallying. We must allow sufficient time for catching up about the two days a week we don’t see each other, you see!

We hope this little teaser is enough to pique your (we’re sure, fading) interest. We’ll be elaborating soon. So you can probably expect something in like, November? Jokes, people, jokes.